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Favorite zoo (history of creation and activity from 1927 to 1995 based on materials from the GARO funds)

Favorite Zoo (history of creation and activity from 1927 to 1995 based on the materials of the GARO funds) It all started with love …, love for animals, love for the nature of the Don region of the group

Favorite zoo (history of creation and activity from 1927 to 1995 based on materials from the GARO funds)

It all started with love…, love for animals, love for the nature of the Don region of a group of enthusiasts: teachers, hunters who were able to engender and nurture this feeling in the most mobile, grateful and receptive to everything new part of the population of the young republic – children. “The Rostov Zoo was born in the nine-year school No. CM. Budyonny, ”wrote its founder Vladimir Wilhelmovich Kegel in his Biological Excursions around the Rostov-on-Don Zoo. [1] At the initiative of teachers of natural history at the Soviet Labor School (now school No. Kegel and Fyodor Maksimovich Udalov from high school students in 1923, on the basis of the school, the “Circle of Nature Lovers”, “Circle of Aquarists” and “Corner of Wildlife named after. Brema. Already then, in 1923, the members of the circle, according to Kegel's memoirs, set themselves the task of turning a corner of wildlife into the Rostov Zoo. [2] By introducing new teaching methods, children were taught to be explorers and creators. Living Corners were essentially biological science laboratories. In addition to academic knowledge in zoology, crop production, geography, students were also taught practical skills in observing nature, growing animals and plants, and caring for them. [3]

The first animals of the Living Corner, according to the memoirs of the young naturalists, were: a land tortoise and a hedgehog, which were brought from home by the first chairman of the circle of young naturalists Nikolai Suslov (according to some recollections, there was also an eagle) [4] . Then came: rook, jackdaw, crow, white mice, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, ground squirrels, siskins, canaries, aquarium fish, snakes and lizards. [5]

GARO. F.R-4463. Op.1. D.1. L.1.Gratitude letter of the members of the circle of “lovers of nature” and “corner of wildlife named after Brem” Suslov N.M. 1924-1925. (signed by Kegel V.V.).

Thanks to the interest and enthusiasm of students, their parents, teachers and the patronage of the Don Union of Hunters, led by Alexander Vasilyevich Lerhe, the number of pets of a living corner of the constant grew and increased so much that the school principal Ivan Anastasyevich Panchishko had to be diverted under cages with animals, aquariums and pots with pots from Plants are more and more premises not only in the school itself, but also in the territory of the school yard. [6]

Thanks to the active activities of the Youngs: through exhibitions of children's creativity (on which a part of the pets of the “living corner” was exhibited), popular science articles and methodological publications by V.V. Kegel, the performance of the student of the Council of People's Commissars No. 3 of Vera Belousova at the II All-Union Congress of Young Naturalists in Moscow In December 1926, the lecture work of the schools of the school in educational institutions and various organizations of the city, the violent activities of schoolchildren to clean and landscaped Rostov’s abandoned and littered corners, [7] the work of the “living corner” attracted attention and found wide support among the population not only In the city, but also beyond. [8] “A distinctive feature of our zoo,” wrote Vladimir Wilhelmovich Kegel, in his article “Rostov Regional Zoological Garden”, “is the history of its occurrence. The Don Society of Naturalists, organizing a section of zoology, put in the work plan to create in Rostov N-D. The regional zoosad, taking by agreement with school No. 3, on the basis of a living corner of this school, which has grown significantly for the school corner. ” [nine]

In addition to the Zookanguity of the Kraiokhotsuzu and the Don Society of Naturalists “Donat”, the Yunnats also became interested in such organizations as the North Caucasus Plant Protection Station and the North Caucasian University. [10] These and other organizations of the city, as well as many city schools, began to lay an article in their estimates for material support for the growing “living corner”.Animals carried animals from everywhere, but the main suppliers of the Don fauna were hunters from Kraiokhotsuzu. In 1926, 80 copies of various animals were already contained in the “corner of wildlife”. [11] Most animals were representatives of the fauna of the Azov-Black Sea, North Caucasus region and Transcaucasia. The costs of nutrition and maintenance of the pets increased, and it became obvious that the scale of the “corner” has already outgrown the possibility of one school, and the idea of ​​creating a zoo, which hung in the minds of enthusiasts, demanded its implementation. “The youth of the Soviet school …” he wrote in his “biological excursions in the Rostov -on -Don Zoo,” he successfully carried out the idea of ​​organizing a zoo, laying a strong foundation for his further transformation into the largest zoo. ” [12]

For this purpose, an initiative group of interested organizations was created and a decision was decided to apply to state authorities with a request to create a regional scale in the city of Rostov-on-Don. [13] The Organizational Bureau included: Chairman – Alexander Vasilievich Lerhe from Sevkavrukoykhotsuz; Members of the Bureau – Professor of the North Caucasian State University of SKSU Konstantin Rudolfovich Mira, Vladimir Wilhelmovich Kegel (also the chairman of the Don Society of Naturalists Donat), P. Sviridenko (head of the regional plant protection station Kraistazra); Secretary – Elikonida Kosminichna Belousov (teacher of school No. 3). [fourteen]

“Donat” allocated part of his meager funds, ”wrote in his article“ Rostov Regional Zoological Garden ”Vladimir Wilhelmovich Kegel,“ arranged an evening specifically for the collection of funds for the zoosad, entered the departmental public and scientific organizations of the city of Rostov N-d., From which he received feasible financial assistance. ” [15] In this “petition”, a memorandum of the Organizing Bureau “On the Organization of the Zoo in Rostov-on-Don”, the Association of Research Institutes under Sevkavplan justifies the creation of the Zoo, along with other scientific and cultural organizations and institutions of the city (Botanical garden, museums, various scientific societies), which would contribute to the transformation of Rostov-on-Don into a real cultural center of the North Caucasus Territory.[16] The interest in creating a higher school zoo was explained by the extreme necessity of living objects for its experimental scientific papers, this will create “one of the best laboratories where the younger youth under the leadership of experts will be able to get the necessary knowledge about their nature and learn methods of studying its . [17] The zoosad was also recognized as a great cultural significance for the development of hunting and acclimatization of animals.

After several meetings, the direction of the future zoosad, its tasks and the list of works were determined:

1. Zoosad – should not be a menagerie where various wonders are shown, but a huge living laboratory, concentrating in itself, if possible, the entire animal world of the North Caucasus Territory;

2. Animals in the zoosad should, if possible, are not contained in single cells and not systematically, but with certain communities and have relative freedom. By its nature, the zoo should strive for the zoo of the Askania-Nova type;

3. The zoosad from the very first days of its existence develops scientific activity, raising the issues of acclimatization and study of the biology of individual animals for resolution. For this purpose, the zoo has its own biological laboratory and the corresponding scientific personnel.

4. The zoosad, in addition to acclimatization of animals and their study, sets its tasks:

a) providing students with both labor schools and universities, the opportunity to work out their scientific issues on the material of the zoo;

b) providing students with the opportunity to get acquainted with the fauna of the region and the assimilation by the method of studying the animal kingdom;

c) the popularization of the ideas of Darwinism among the broad masses of workers;

d) providing a reasonable holiday and entertainment of workers;

e) the popularization of the ideas of local history and assistance to individuals and institutions in the issue of studying the animal world of the North Caucasus Territory.

For the organization of the zoo for the first time, it is supposed to use the area of ​​the garden (1966 sq.soot), shed and a number of premises belonging to the 3rd labor school. In the first year, it was planned to bring the number of animals to 500 copies.

The estimate for the first year of the zoo maintenance consisted of the following consumables:

1. Personnel content – 4200 rubles.

2. The device is 4000 rubles.

3. Cell construction – 3300 rubles.

4. The acquisition of animals – 2000 rubles.

5. Expert delivery – 1500 rubles.

6. The content of animals – 4000 rubles.

7. Economic costs – 1000 rubles.

Total: 20,000 rubles.

It was assumed that the main amount would be made of revenues from:

– special deductions from labor schools – about 3600 rubles.;

-Association of research institutes at Sevkavplan -300 rubles.;

– Kraiokhotsuz – 500 rubles.;

– sections of scientists Sevkavplan – 150 rubles.;

– “Donat” – 100 rubles.

The savings were assumed from the gratuitous assistance to supply animals and their delivery to the Kraiokhotsuzu and Kraistazer, which had their lower network throughout the North Caucasus Territory, donations from private individuals (V.V. Kegel personally passed 100 rubles). It remained to “find” about 5200 rubles. To attract the missing funds, the organizing committee compiled and sent to various organizations campaign letters called “A reporting note on the organization of the zoosad in the city of Rostov-on-Don” (similar to the one that was sent to the Association of Research Institutes at Sevkavplan) Call to help in the collection of money. [eighteen]

In parallel with the preparation of the legal registration of the zoo there was an active work on its actual organization. According to the memoirs of the Yunnats, in late 1926 – early 1927. In the courtyard of the school by the forces of the United, led by teachers, the active construction of cells, all kinds of equipment, digging ponds for waterfowl and arrangements for animals began. [nineteen]

On May 25, 1927, the Presidium of the Rostovo-Nakhichevan-Don City Council of the 9th convocation of workers and Red Army deputies adopted a resolution of paragraph 222 “On the organization of the zoological garden in Rostov”. [20] By the decision of the city authorities, it was recognized as “appropriate to the organization under the communal department of the R.N. Gorod Council of the Zoological Garden of Local history significance”.[21] The organization of the zoo was assigned to the communal department with the involvement of the initiative group engaged in its creation at school No. 3 named after S.M. Budenny. It was necessary to form an organizational committee of 5 people, with the mandatory involvement of the initiators on the organization of the zoosad and entrust the committee to work the following issues within a month:

a) the regulations on the zoological garden and on the organizational committee of the zoo;

b) select and take a place for the zoological garden through the communal department;

c) to develop and make an estimate for the maintenance of the zoo in 1927-1928 through the communal department;

d) develop a project on the equipment of the zoological garden.

The communal department was ordered to consider and practically resolve all issues related to the opening of the zoo in the current 1927. [22] July 2, 1927 by Rostovo-Nakhichevansky-on-Don by the City Council, he was given permission for short-term lending in the amount of 2000 rubles to continue the work on the zoologic garden [23].

June 26, 1927 (as it was believed, on the birthday of Vladimir Wilhelmovich Kegel* (Haro.F-803. Op. 2. D. 617. L.60ob-61.. JPG Har. F-803. Op.2. 617. L.61ob-62 extract from the Metric Book of the Church of King Konstantin G. Taganrog for 1886)

Rostov Regional Zoological Garden. Local history in the North Caucasus, ed. S.-K. RADE Bureau of Local Lore, No. 3-4, 1928, Inv. No. 2548, p. 83-84.

The young people who graduated from school were the first employees of the zoo. In their memoirs “On the origins of the zoo” they described many funny cases of their communication with animals. The conversations and friendship of the Youngs with representatives of the dynasty of the Durovs trainers, who touched in Rostov-on-Don in 1927-1928, enriched their knowledge about the main methods of animal training. They presented the zoo of two badgers. Thanks to the Dresser Book of Dresser and Practical Lessons donated by Vladimir, the Youngs learned to train their own animals. The first artist was Pasha's pig. [27]

Meanwhile, the initiative group, together with representatives of the communal department of the city executive committee, continued the search for the territory for the zoo.Three options were proposed: Nakhichevan and Chkalovskaya groves, etc. Prouds. The main criteria for choosing a place for placing a zoosad, where animals would feel comfortable, were: silence, clean air, winter buildings, the abundance of springs and the picturesque shores of the Demerny River and the nameless stream. [28] The choice fell on proud.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Rostovo-Nakhichevansky-Don of the City Council of the 9th convocation of workers and Red Army deputies dated August 13, 1927 No. 703 “On the Removing of the site to the Zoological Garden” he was allocated the territory of the former summer residence of Solyutin, Korenblom, Dutikov, Shakhov, Gorina, Popov and Gilyarusov, “an area of ​​18.56 hectare with all residential and outbuildings and a free plot of land near cottages, with an area of ​​12 hectares; Only 30 hectares. [29] The orphanage placed there No. 1 was moved to another place. [thirty]

In the second half of 1929, the movement of animals to the territory allocated for them began. One funny story that happened a little later about how the employees of the zoo led the elephant through the whole city is connected with this movement. [31]

Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.326. L.55-58ob Memories of the Youngs about the transportation of the elephant.

After moving to a new territory, according to the memoirs of the participants in those events, the zoo began to be called the zoo (it is probably why the date of the organization of the Rostov-on-Don Zoo was considered for a long time 1929). [32]

For the development of a new territory and adaptation to the maintenance of animals of existing buildings by V.V. Kegel invited his friends and associates: M.I. Kartashova (he took part in the design of the zoo and led construction work), Nikolai Lang (made estimates), Nikolai Suslov (performed all drawing works). [33] According to Kartashov’s memoirs, “Professor P.A. Manteifel advised not to do direct alleys, so we designed plantations and alleys along the radius. This should have aroused constant interest among visitors and made it possible to better place animal groups of groups of groups. ”[34] A lake was manually dug up near a large spring and a pumping booth was set.

Pond on the territory of the zoo. 1960 Haro. NSA. FC. PA-14018.

A lot of trees, flowering shrubs and hedges were planted. Harries for ungulates were built, aviaries for monkeys, fur animals, pheasants, cells for predators and special cells with bears for bears, stone slides for vultures and white -headed sles.

Animals were mainly purchased at the Nova Askania Zoo, but also in other cities: Moscow, Perm, Gelendzhik. According to the memoirs of the Yunnats, Kegel himself traveled to Siberia with scientific expeditions behind the black foxes. [35] around the end of 1929- early 1930. By the decision of the Gorfinoddel, the zoo was unexpectedly replenished with a collection of valuable and rare exotic animals from Anatoly Ivanovich Filatov confiscated for non -payment of debts. Among them were: elephant, lions, tigers, pums, leopards, lynx, bears, crocodiles, sea lions, python, monkeys, Emu ostriches, parrots. [36]

As the former young people recalled, the work on acclimatizing valuable thermophilic animals was “incredibly difficult” [37]. Some employees of the former “Filatov” menagerie crossed the animals to the zoo. So, wanting to be with his pet – a young elephant, a bunk, a family pair of Menshikovs – Dmitry and Nadezhda asked for work in the zoo. [38]

According to the memoirs of V.V. Kegel in the first year of its existence (1927), the zoo had: 52 beasts, 28 birds, 35 fish and 5 amphibians. In subsequent years, the number of animals increased to 225 animals, 560 birds, 1118 fish and 162 amphibians and reptiles in 1933.

In the future, the organization of the zoo planned the creation of 5 sections:

1) mammals, 2) birds, 3) fish, 4) amphibians and reptiles, 5) insects (all sections except the fifth were open in 1940). [39]

The plan of the zoo provided for the organization of a biological museum, demonstration rabbit breeding and zoofroma for the production of research work on poultry farming, livestock and fur farming, the construction of the zoopark of the cinematic hall and much more.The zoo planned the maintenance of 127 species of mammals, 1933 species of birds, numerous representatives of fish, amphibians and reptiles. For animals, the construction of spacious walking was planned as close as possible to natural, natural habitats [40].

In 1935, V.V. Kegel published a collection Biological excursions in the Rostov-on-Don Zoo.

Biological excursions in the Rostov zoo, cover, p.13, 22, 41, 44, 47, 53, 72, 76.

Despite the workload of work on the construction of the zoo by employees, a lot of scientific work was carried out. V.V. Kegel as a scientist and A.V. Lershe in the position of assistant took an active part in the work of the 1st regional biological conference of the Azov-Black Sea Territory of 1934 and the 2nd Inter-Pocial Biological Conference of the Azov-Black Sea and North Caucasus Regions in 1937 and read their reports on the work of the zoo [41] .

Of particular interest and practical importance were the works of V.V. Kegel (“On the biology of the reproduction of black vultures”, “On the issue of hybridization of the chicken”), professor of the Medical Institute AGAPOVA N.M. and a veterinarian of the zoo Nevsky G.A. *(Experience of filling the tusk of the elephant, On the issue of hybridization of animals in the Rostov zoo), Denisova M.I. (“On the issue of nesting and reproduction of birds in the Rostov Zoo”), A. Gubareva (“To the question of the propagation of sables in the Rostov-on-Don Zoo”) and others [42]. In the zoo itself, a lot of work was done on acclimatization, the study of biology, hybridization and treatment of animals. One of the first difficult cases was the experience of treating a tooth and a tusk at the elephant. [43]

In 1935, work was launched on artificial cultivation and domestication of Australian ostriches to EMU, as a meat of industrial poultry, the possibilities of conducting a profitable pheasant economy were investigated. Together with Moscow Professor Peter Alexandrovich Manteifel, joint work was carried out on the study of biology and artificial breeding of Sobol. [44]

However, despite all his achievements in the construction of the zoo, in pedagogical and scientific activities, around 1938 Vladimir Wilhelmovich Kegel was dismissed, and in 1941, according to the memoirs of former universities, along with his family (wife and two sons) was sent to Siberia to Siberia where December 31, 1941 died. [45]

The war crossed out all the plans and achievements of the enthusiasts of the Zoo. Through the territory of the zoo, the defense line twice passed. The entire territory was rummaged with trenches, the buildings were destroyed, a significant part of the animals died, some were eaten, the fence was dismantled for heating. “The inhabitants of the terrarium and the aquarium completely died from bombing, cold and demon,” the former young man wrote in her memoirs. ” The remaining employees, as they could, retained the surviving animals, often risking their lives, mined products and heated the premises. [46] Many zoo employees are participants in the Great Patriotic War. [47]

Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D. 150 l.16-17. Zoo workers are participants in the war.

Immediately after the liberation of Rostov-on-Don from the Nazi invaders, work began on the restoration of the zoo. By the decision of the city executive committee dated April 25, 1944 No. 454, the director of the zoo was prescribed … to ensure, during April, all preparatory work on the simple improvement of the garden territory, in order to open the garden for visitors, making an appropriate announcement through this. newspaper. [48] ​​At the appointed time, the zoo was open to visiting. However, in the decision of the city executive committee dated July 4, 1944, “On the state of the zoo”, it was noted that although “the park is open to visitors, not being properly issued,” restoration work in it proceeds unsatisfactory. [49]

Haro.F.r-4463. OP.1. D.5.L.4. The receipt of the Rostov-on-Don of the Zoological Park for 1945.

“Comraded with the conditions of the post-communal period,” wrote the director of the Rostov-on-Don Zoo Andrei Ivanovich Konchakov, “in 1944, the task was set to preserve the remaining animals in order to begin restoration work next year.” One of the few achievements of the first post -war years for the zoo was the opening in 1949 of a demonstrative “fish hall with a light platform”, a fountain and thirty aquariums and terrariums for snakes and crocodiles.“From his discovery, he wrote in his article dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Zoo N.I. Epifanovsky,- a real possibility of proper organization of the content and display of fish and reptiles appeared.” In 1950-1951, a new incubator was acquired. [fifty]

The absence of exposure premises close to the biological features of each animal, the content of most exhibits in the cells led to crowding, diseases, injuries, and limiting animal reproduction. The species and quantitative composition of the animals was in a catastrophic state. On February 27, 1945, the city executive committee decided No. 132 “On the replenishment of the Rostov zoo by the exhibits of clean -in agricultural animals and birds available in the Rostov region [51].

Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.5 l.5-6. The decision of the GIK of February 27, 1945. No. 132.

In the first post -war years, the development of their own production in the cultivation of grain and vegetable crops, as well as breeding rabbits, was of particular importance for survival. This helped survive both animals and people. Part of the products went to the population of the city. [52] Based on the needs in animal feed, the zoo expanded the sowing areas under the gardens of up to 20 hectares, and haying lands up to 60 hectares. [53]

Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.4. L.8-8ob. Regulation on the 1944 zoo.

During this period, the Rostov-on-Don Zoological Park was subordinate to the executive committee of the Rostov-on-Don city councils of the working people and in its activities was subordinated to the Main Directorate for Reserves, Zoo and Zoo at the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR 1941-1944. [54]

In subsequent years, due to the lack of funds allocated for the purchase of animals in the zoocenter (the activity of which was repeatedly criticized for very high prices and bias in the distribution of animals in zoo) and the lack of offspring in the zoo itself grew very slowly. The expansion of the exposure due to exotic animals would sharply increase the interest of visitors in the zoo and would directly affect its attendance.[55] So, in 1955, the Rostov Zoo was forced to refuse to purchase an elephant, in which it was very interested, because there was no money … neither for an elephant, nor for an exposition room for an elephant, wrote in his report on the work of the zoo Acting director V.Antonov. [56] An Indian elephant, or rather an elephant named Melanya, did not appear at the zoo until 1959 [57] .

Delivery of an elephant named Milanya from the London Zoo to the Rostov Zoo. 1959 GARO. NSA.FC. PA-14006.

The difficulties of the post-war period for the country as a whole, minimal funding led to the fact that this recovery period for the zoo dragged on for many years. In the report of the director of the zoo P. Shcheglov for 1952, it was noted that “… the consequences of the war cannot be eliminated to this day. The main building, the fencing of the entire territory were destroyed, cages, aviaries, pools were destroyed. The cages and enclosures for the exhibits that remain today were built in 1934-1936. and due to natural prescription they fell into disrepair: the wooden parts rotted, the iron nets rusted, and with a slight push of the exhibit / for example, foxes / a hole is made into which the contained animals go. Fences in the form of barbed wire, made rather to mark the territory, fell into disrepair in 10 years and no longer held back the flow of stowaways and hooligans who broke and damaged zoo property, abducted and injured animals [58] . Only in 1954-1955 it was possible to restore the fence of the zoo in the form of reinforced concrete lattices and build a monumental entrance to the zoo, plant 850 trees. In the same years, a new “reindeer herd” with enclosures and a winter building with a swimming pool for keeping seals were also built. During the years 1956-1957 were built: buffalo, turya hills, dog row and fences to the enclosures. [59]

Zoo funding continued to deteriorate. If from 1953 to 1958. the zoo received a subsidy from the city executive committee for the purchase of animals and capital construction in the amount of 50 thousand rubles.rub., then in 1959 it was reduced to 20 thousand rubles, and since 1962 it was generally terminated. [60] The leadership of the zoo raised the question of the difficult position of the zoo and the need for new construction.

In 1956, the Rostov Zoo survived the change of leadership three times – this circumstance was reflected in delaying construction work in the zoo. In June 1958, Nikolai Ivanovich Epifanovsky, a man, a scientist who did so much for the Rostov zoo was appointed the new director of the zoo that his contribution is difficult to overestimate. It was with his active activity that the post -war revival of the Rostov Zoo began.

Accepting the zoo from his predecessor, and seeing the upcoming volume of work, it was clear that on subsidies from the state the zoo “not to raise”. N.I. Epifanovsky began to establish such an activity of the zoo that would contribute to an increase in its profitability. [61] And above all, it consisted in the revival since 1959 of the work of mobile zoos and floating animal men (later, in 1965, they will be called mobile zoological branches of the Rostov-on-Don Zoo). [62]

Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.144. LS. 4, 73. Regulation on the zooil.

The first zoopavka was organized by the zoo back in 1946. In 1965-1975, the administration and zoo specialists developed and adopted several options for the provisions on the zoological exhibition and the leadership for the organization of practical work of mobile zoos of the Rostov Zoo. [63]

Fox in the cage. Haro. NSA.Fk. 0-15501

They were declared scientific and educational institutions. The main objectives of the exhibitions were: demonstration of animals, propaganda of natural science knowledge, conducting work on the study of the most effective exposure methods, educating children of love for live and careful attitude of people to nature, as well as promoting and showing humane methods of training according to the method of V.L. Durov . (Theater of animals). In 1959, the Stalingrad ship (a little later the Cherdyn ship), which was commissioned in 1960, was equipped.For 7 years, they served the population of rural regions on the river. Volga and p. Don. The list of exhibited included 36 or more types of animals.

Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.80. L.1-3. Regulation on mobile branches of the zoo. 1965

Haro. F.R-4467. OP.1. D.45. L. 139. Help on the overhaul of the steamer Stalingrad, 1960.

The taming of animals was very important in the work of the zoo. In addition to facilitating animals, taming was a clear example during lectures, conversations, excursions. The young people who established friendly relations with animals began to engage in taming and training. Former Junnates in their memoirs described the “funny running” of children with some tamed animals in the school court after the end of the zoosad and evening feeding. Many of them through their whole lives carried love and touching memories of their pets: love-lover V.V. Kegel, deer Alyoshka, bear mane-manyurochka, a she-wolf of Grayenka, and a fox desi. [64] In 1959, a follower of the Durovs dynasty, familiar to the young people since 1927, the trainer and artist Vladimir Vladimirovich Durov proposed his help as a trainer and tamer in 1959. In order to increase the income and attendance of the zoo, he proposed to create a group of trained animals, birds, predators for display in the zoo and in pioneering camps, schools … whose performances were accompanied by a lecture. [65]

Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.45. L.18-20ob. Proposal to the director of the Rostov zoo from the trainer Vladimir Durov, 1959.

In the future, this work expanded: as already mentioned, as part of the floating zoos, the “Theater of Beasts” worked, which carried out a lot of work on promoting and showing humanistic methods of Durov’s training.

The creation of a stationary “animal theater” at the Rostov Zoo, designed back in 1968, could not come true. The excellent idea of ​​theatrical performances with the participation of trained animals was all the time.During this time, the design of the building managed to become morally obsolete, and the construction, if it was carried out, was with gross deviations from the project. In 1977, the task was given for another design, but in 1984 it was decided to rebuild the theater premises into an elephant house.

GARO. F.R-4463. Op.1. D.143. L.19-24. Assignment for the design of the Theater of Animals 1977.

GARO. F.R-4463. Op.1. D.143. L.30. 32 Design options for the Theatre of Animals in the Rostov Zoo. 1977

And only by order of the Rostov-on-Don Zoo No. 152 dated 06/20/1991 in order to increase the profitability of the zoo, paid services from 07/01/1991, the Theatre of Animals was opened [66] .

GARO. F.R-4463. Op.1. D. 100. L.3. Poster, 1977

GARO. F.R-4463. Op.1. D.329.L.221. Order dated 05.09.94 No. 154 for the Rostov Zoo, on the establishment of a commission for the acceptance of a circus act, in connection with the preparation of a circus act with trained animals.

At the zoo there also existed at first a section of dog breeding, and later a “Club of dog lovers”. [67]

GARO. F.R-4467. Op.1. D.177. L.19. An announcement about a dog show organized by the zoo. 1979

The work of animal exhibitions attracted the attention of a large number of visitors from the regions of the Far North, the Urals, Siberia to the South and the North Caucasus. So, if in 1959 two zoo exhibitions were visited by 456 thousand people, in 1962 three zoo exhibitions were visited by 930 thousand people, then in 1971 6 zoological exhibitions served 2 million people. [68]

However, all this vigorous activity to popularize the zoo and work to improve its financial security did not solve the main problem – the urgent and radical reconstruction of the zoo. According to the memoirs of N.I. Epifanovsky, this issue was raised back in 1945, even survey work was begun to design capital construction, but the war prevented it. [69] After the war, they returned to him only in 1958. A general reconstruction plan was drawn up, a seven-year plan for the development of the zoo for 1959-1965, and a cost estimate was made for design and survey work to reconstruct the layout and landscaping. [70] The Executive Committee of the City Council allocated 4.5 thousand rubles for this.“Rostostgrazhdanproekt” made design and estimate documentation, as well as geological surveys, natural survey, design and survey and estimated and financial calculation for the construction of an elephant. In subsequent years, the limits for design and cash have ceased to be allocated.

The period from 1966 to 1967 was devoted to the collection of information and advanced methods of building zoos not only in the USSR, but also abroad. [71]

Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.83. L.184. Route to the head of the cultural department on a business trip for the preparation of a project for the reconstruction of the RS in other zoos of the USSR. 1966

In 1968, finally, it was decided to reconstruct the Rostov Zoo. To do this, it was necessary to solve a number of problems: to expand the territory of the zoo and bring it to 82.5 hectares, to build the necessary structures and enclosures for zooexponces, to build communications, to improve the territory, to ensure free -sided maintenance of animals and build an exposition according to a systematic principle. [72] by the decision of the Executive Committee of the City Council No. 428 of June 14, 1968, the territory of the Zoological Park was brought to 74 hectares of land (although, later the undeveloped part of the territory by eight by the decisions of the city executive committee was reduced by 40 hectares.) [73]. The State Construction of the RSFSR was allocated a limit of 65 thousand rubles for design and survey work. The Institute of Sevkavgyproselkhozstroy created a group for the design of the zoo reconstruction, it was divided into two stages: the construction of objects of the first and second stage. By order of the Oblos executive committee No. 1384 dated 08.23.1968, the General Plan of the reconstruction of the first stage and the consolidated financial calculation for 1 million 816 thousand rubles were approved. [74] A seven -year plan for the development and reconstruction of the zoo was also developed. [75] For practical implementation, the city headquarters No. 3. The basis of the future exposition was laid a systematic principle. Reconstruction of the zoo, the Temernik River, Zoological and Tunelnaya streets, Avenue named after Lenin and the creation of the park to them.October were called upon to radically transform the zoo part of the city, to make it a favorite vacation spot for citizens. And the Rostov Zoo itself was supposed to become a center for the promotion of natural science knowledge in the South of Russia and acquire the value of one of the best zoos in the Soviet Union. [76]

Work on the reconstruction of the zoo was started in March 1968 by six contractors and five institutes. [77] Following the example of the Berlin Zoo, work in the Rostov Zoo was carried out, including the so-called. method of folk construction. Up to 3,000 people of the Leninsky district of Rostov-on-Don took an active part in the community work days and Sundays for improvement. [78]

GARO. F.R-4463. Op.1. D.101. L.6. Letter from the Chairman of the Regional Executive Committee Sabaneev “On the allocation of 300 tr. to continue the work on the reconstruction of the Rostov Zoo”, the postscript “The issue has been resolved positively. 300 thousand rubles! Thanks to the government. The case started in 1968 did not die” dated March 13, 1972.

From 1966 to 1985, 166 objects of economic exposition and improvement were built and reconstructed in the amount of 3 million 32 thousand rubles, including funds earned by the zoo – 2 million 188.5 thousand rubles. [79]

GARO.F.R-4463. Op.1. D.297, L.122-126. Results of the reconstruction 1966-1970, 1971-1975, 1976-1980, 1981-1985, GARO. enumeration of objects.

By order of the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR No. 788 of October 29. In 1969, the management of zoos from the jurisdiction of the Office of Club Institutions was transferred to the Office of Museums [80] .

In accordance with the new regulation for 1982, the Rostov State Zoological Park was a legal entity that was on an economic basis, had a charter fund, seals, settlement and other accounts in the State Bank. [81]

Based on the decision of the session of the City Council of People's Deputies and the order of the City Department of Culture No. 57 dated April 22, 1992, the zoo had the following name and subordination: Administration of the City of Rostov-on-Don, Department of Culture, Zoological Park. [82] In June 1992, a new package of documents was developed: a new charter of the zoo was approved, the regulation on economic relations in the Rostov-on-Don zoo, the regulation on the academic council, the department of main activities.

1990-1991 were complicated and responsible for the zoo. In the conditions of “perestroika”, when prices increased sharply, direct contracts began to operate, land reform was carried out, the privatization process was gaining momentum, and enterprises switched to self -sufficiency, self -financing and complete recording. Significant efforts of specialists were diverted to solve these problems, sometimes to the detriment of the main purpose of the zoo-scientific-educational and research work. [83] The general plan of reconstruction until 1994 was adjusted and re -approved. He periodically suspended due to insufficient financing and resumed with the receipt of money [84].

The strengthening of the material and technical base of the zoo in the post-war years has positively affected the development and improvement of the quality of the collection of animals. During the reconstruction period, it increased by more than 140 species and reached 400 species by 1985. From 1968 to 1974, they were imported and acclimatized: anthills, African ostriches, nanddu, Cannes antelope, Grivista rams, white rhinos, black panther, Chinese leopards, lynxes, antelopes, white -bearded gnu, chimpanzee and Gorilla marten.

Chimpanzees. 1989 Haro. NSA. FC. PA-14022.

In 1975: a female gorilla, giraffes of Masai and cheetahs. In 1976, the collection was replenished with roe deer, deer of David, Nilgau Antilopa, Marabu, Nikobar pigeons and spotted deer. In 1977, Kiangs, Kulans, Kangaroo, Mongoose, Tapir, Surki and three species of monkeys were successfully acclimatized. In 1978, the composition of the animals was replenished with: Siamese crocodiles, parrots, tukans, four species of pheasants, a large group of swans, cranes, herbs, ducks, geese, Canadian pums, smokyasy leopards, a dwarf zeb, horses of Przhevalsky, antelopes of white -haired bubble, Garn, Garn, Garn, Garna, Garn. dwarf hippos, black baboons [85].

Haro. F.R-4467. OP.1. D.229. L.16-117. The act of the zoopa examination of the Rostov zoo for 1987 years (nicknames).

“The expansion and improvement of the quality of the animal collection raised the responsibility of the zoo specialists for its preservation and multiplication, caused the need to put all the work on the scientific basis, the main condition for its accelerated development,” wrote Nikolai Ivanovich Epifanovsky in his article “Reconstruction of the Rostov Zoo [86].

The organization and conduct of scientific work was and remains one of the most important tasks of the zoo. From the very first days of its existence, the zoosad developed scientific activity. Scientific work in the zoo has always been given great importance. The aim of these studies was: the study and accumulation of scientific information about animal biology and other aspects of the development of the zoo. Gradually, the tasks of scientific work have become more specific, aimed at pressing requests of the zoo farm, and in subsequent years and the preservation and reproduction of the gene pool of rare and disappearing species of animals. Created back in 1949, the Scientific and Methodological Council, then the Zoo Council, on April 24, 1985, was transformed into a scientific council at the Directorate of the Zoo [87].

Haro.F.r-4467.Po.1.D.225.l.1-9. Order without the number of the head of the city culture department of April 24, 1985. On the creation of the Academic Council, etc.

To coordinate and ensure research work,: a biochemical laboratory, a scientific library and since 1991 the Laboratory of Zoopsychology and Ethology have been created and functioned. In 1959, the zoological museum of the zoo was organized, and in 1994 an animal blood test was created. [88]

Highly qualified personnel who graduated from specialized universities worked in the zoo. [89] Employees of the Zoo conducted great publication. Zoo specialists have completed over 70 scientific papers. On the basis of the zoo, 8 thesis were protected, 2 candidate dissertations. In 1972 and 1976 The All -Union meeting on the issues of the zoo was held on the basis of the Rostov Zoo [90].

Studies and development of the zoo were carried out in three main areas:

– organization of full and scientifically sound feeding of animals and details of diet on biologically active substances;

-time and organization of effective methods of propagation of valuable and rare animals;

– Development of scientifically sound technical conditions for the design of economic and maintenance facilities for the construction of future years and the implementation of copyright supervision during their construction [91].

The Scientific Council developed scientifically based recommendations on the further development of the zoo, developed the topic of further research. Zoo specialists performed work on the study of biology and reproduction of many types of valuable animals, the practical result of which was their successful propagation and growing offspring. According to the estimates of N.I. Epifanovsky, until 1985 in the Rostov zoo, offspring were grown: over 100 lions, 30 leopards, 20 tigers, 20 bears, up to 100 ungulates, 300 ostriches. In 1975, offspring from chimpanzees, kulanov, kiangs and for the first time in the practice of the zoos of the USSR – from dwarf hippos were obtained.

Haro. F.R-4467. OP.1. D.186. L.43-43ob. List of animals sold in 1980.

Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D. 291. L.135. Order No. 247 dated 10/21/91 on the arrival of Orangutanga from the Moscow zoo and from Leningradsky – chimpanzees.

The issues of reproduction of wild animals during the years of founding the zoo were put on the scientific basis and belonged to the main direction in the work. For many years after the war, this work was episodic. Since the end of the 70s, a new direction originated in the zoo: an increase in the number of collection due to the reproduction, acquisition and preservation of rare, disappearing animal species. As of January 1993, out of 495 species of animals in the amount of 2662 copies, 339 animals 108 species were listed in the Red Book. Propagated animals of 25 species from the Red Book.

Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.165.l.7-10. List of rare animals at the request of the London Zoological Society

The Rostov Zoo owns the priority among other zoos of the country in the cost of reducing the meat diet of predators. The transfer to feeding one Konina back in 1937, many times reduced the cost of feeding animals, compared to beef and lamb. By the decision of the city executive committee, all the crowned horses surrendered to the zoo. [92] The experience of Rostovites “was a surprise for participants in a meeting of directors of zoos in Moscow in 1949,” was recognized as a “new type of feeding” and was accepted for use by many zoos.In the 50-60s, in conditions of scarce financing, to improve the diet of animal feeding, the zoo staff had to make changes to them. With a decrease in the use of horse -drawn transport in the national economy, the diet was revised towards the interchangeability of feed. To provide animal protein for predatory animals, fish, milk, semolina and milk vermicelli were given, and monkeys were taught to eat chicken rice soups, living sparrows, various cereals and fruit juices. However, “I had to regret it,” wrote in his report on the work of the zoo for 1953, its director P. Khgritov, “that such deviations from the“ Moscow norms ”, despite the positive results in preserving animals, cause formal remarks from financial control” [ 93]. The strengthening of the material and technical base made it possible to improve the feeding system.

As of 1994, the Rostov Zoo had a unique collection of primates, one of the best collections of fish, reptiles, parrots, bears, ungulates. In the development of the collection, the reproduction of animals and the size of the territory, the Rostov Zoo occupied one of the first places in the country. [94]

In 1995, an analysis of the Animals of the Rostov-on-Don Zoo was analyzed. A collection data bank was created, work has begun to create a veterinary data bank and work on calculating the needs of feed and systematize the diets of animal feeding as part of the Super-Kalk computer program. The adaptation of this program in the zoo is designed to streamline and simplify the preparation of fodder diets, calculate nutritional, energy and other indicators, and also help solve the problem of interchangeability of feed. [95]

As of 01.01.1996, the collection of animals of the Rostov -on -Don Zoo was – 3587 copies, 401 – species, of which:

Invertebrates – species -10 copies – 561

Fish – species – 115, copies – 1084;

amphibians – species – 1, copies – 4;

reptiles – species – 28, copies – 69;

Birds – species – 133, copies – 904;

mammals – species – 116, specimens – 981,

including KK (Red Book) – 81, CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) 1 – 26 and CITES 2 – 96. [96]

Throughout its existence, the zoo has been in close relationship with many scientific and practical organizations of the city and the country, and later the world: with the Rostov State University. M.A. Suslova (Department of Zoology and Physiology) since 1981, the Don Agricultural Institute since 1979, the Rostov Medical Institute, the Institute of Parasitology, the Institute of Obstetrics and Pediatrics, the Central City Hospital, and the Leningrad Institute of Physiology. I.P. Pavlov since 1982, Azerbaijan Medical Institute named after. N. Narimanov. In the 1980s, great creative ties were maintained with 30 zoos in the USSR and 12 foreign zoos in terms of acquisition and qualitative improvement of the collection, as well as international registration of animals. [97] Since the 70s, there has been an active exchange of experience in working with both domestic and foreign zoos, the introduction of new methods of work and the expansion of scientific ties. Employees of the Rostov Zoo took part in the annual All-Union conferences on zoo issues.

GARO.F.R-4463. Op.1. D.282. L.92. Order No. 67 dated 18.04.90. About participation in the symposium in Leipzig GDR.

GARO.F.R-4463. Op.1. D.240. L.5. Letter to Vasily Peskov about the birth of a Siamese crocodile in the Rostov Zoo.

The zoo was included in a comprehensive program of scientific research on the problem of wildlife protection. In particular, in 1977-1986, the Rostov Zoo took part in the survey of the International London Zoo Yearbook.

Dr. Burger, director of the Magdeburg Zoo, on an excursion to the Rostov Zoo, 1975. GARO. NSA. FC. PA-14011.

Actively, especially in the 1990s, there was an international exchange of delegations and representatives of various ecological and nature protection, as well as special funds for the protection of certain species of wild animals.

In 1995 alone, the Rostov Zoo held preliminary negotiations and organized meetings of the delegation from Great Britain (London), the EEP coordinator for tigers and the head of the EAA executive office, Frank Rischkert (Amsterdam, the Netherlands), the delegation from the Czech Republic, the zoo of Khomutov; three groups of college students with an environmental focus from the United States, within the framework of the Russian-American environmental program; delegations from Bulgaria (Pleven) through the city Department of Culture and a delegation from Scotland (Glasgow). [98]

Thanks to the acquisition of pedigree books, information about the presence of animal species in various zoos of the world appeared. Based on the work with the collection, an active correspondence was carried out with Russian and foreign zoos on the exchange, sale and purchase of animals.

GARO. F.R-4463. Op.1. D. 135. L.21. Correspondence with the head of the Oktyabrskaya railway department of Leningrad about the shipment of giraffes to the Rostov Zoo, 1975.

GARO. F.R-4463. Op.1. D. 119. L. 31. Correspondence with the Leipzig Zoo Z. Seifert 1985,

GARO. F.R-4463. Op.1. D. 119. L.52. Correspondence with the Canadian zoo.

In 1995, the Rostov Zoo was in active correspondence with 34 zoos in the world, and the employees of the Scientific Research Department translated all foreign literature on topics of interest to the zoo. [99]

Scientific and educational work was originally one of the main tasks of the zoo. Shortly after the war, the first film lecture hall was opened. In addition to lectures in the film lecture hall of the zoo, the zoo staff conducted visiting lectures with a demonstration of animals in parks, schools, kindergartens, teenage clubs, sanatoriums and propaganda sites. Employees of the scientific and educational sector of the zoo spoke on radio and television, the publication of special literature was widely organized: booklets, memos to a biology teacher, posters.

GARO. F.R-4463. Op.1. D. 107. L.2, 5, 6. 11.12. Zoo posters.

GARO. F.R-4463. Op.1. D.314. L.1-6. List of references published by RZ from 1932 to 1993.

The activities of the zoo were widely popularized in the media: articles, notes, radio and television appearances were published in the central and local press. There was a circle for schoolchildren Young Zoologist at the zoo.During 1983 alone, about 60 people from 17 schools in the city were involved in it. A fruitful relationship was maintained with the regional and city societies of young naturalists, the Palace of Pioneers, clubs of animal lovers. Methodological assistance was provided to similar associations of animal lovers in other cities as well. In 1987 the zoo museum was opened [100] . In 1987, a mobile children's attraction was opened. In 1995, the film A Man for a Young Woman was filmed at the Rostov Zoo. By order of the zoo, round-the-clock access to the territory of the Rostov Zoo was allowed for actors: actors – Adamaitis, Fedko, director Ibragimbekov and other members of the film crew. [101]

GARO. F.R-4463. Op.1. D. 336. L. 97. Order for the Rostov Zoo dated 01.10.95 No. 153.

To attract the population for cultural and educational recreation, to increase the profitability of the zoo, all kinds of attractions for children worked on the territory. As early as 1959, attractions were installed: a carousel, a room of crooked mirrors, hammocks. In 1979, the zoo workers built a carousel-driver for children riding ponies and donkeys, a children's race track, an amusement town; new forest benches and garden sofas were installed, as well as new type of signs. Established in 1974, the zoo's production workshop produced products (metal mesh, bird cages, aquariums, art posters, metal posters, etc.) necessary for the daily activities of the zoo, and was also an additional source of income for the zoo itself [102].

An important problem of the zoo was and remains, unfortunately, the problems of non-compliance with safety regulations, vandalism and cruelty to animals. The entire zoo was very upset by the deaths of animals and accidents that happened to visitors due to their negligence. The management of the zoo has repeatedly recorded such facts and taken measures to eliminate and prevent them. [103]

GARO. F.R-4463. Op.1. D.120 L.58; D.336. L.117, D.251. L.244, 262 orders on violations of law and order for 1987 and 1995.

The zoo took an active part in organizing expositions and replenishing the number of fauna of the Schepkinsky reserve [104].

For the entire time of the existence of the zoo, its symbols were different animals, most often: a crocodile, an owl, an antelope of Garn and even the famous “Iron Deer” (a monument in the zoo, not far from the entrance). [105] [106]

Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D. 107. L.2; D.142. L.2. (emblems).

According to the reached indicators in the work of the Rostov-on-Don, the Zoo by order of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR in 1971 was transferred to the first group of zoos of the country [107]. For the successes achieved, the Zoo team 21 times was awarded the transitional banner of the Leninsky RK of the CPSU and the district executive committee, and according to the results of the 9th five-year period, the banner was transferred to it for eternal storage, and the team was awarded with an honorary diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. [108]

In 1979, in the annotation to the book about the Rostov Zoo In the World of Animals, the creators of the book wrote: Candidates of biological sciences – dedicate this book to young naturalists, devoted to the idea of ​​protecting all living things on Earth. And on May 28, 2016, in our city, at the Star Avenue at the address: Voroshilovsky Ave. 89/80, in memory of the merits in the creation of the Rostov Zoo, a ceremony of laying the name star Vladimir Wilhelmovich Kegel took place. [109]

It all started with love …

[1] V.V. Kegel Biological excursions in the Rostov-on-Don Zoo, Azovo-Black Sea Regional Book of Poster, Rostov-on-Don, 1935, p. 7.

[2] In the same place V.V. Kegel “Biological excursions according to the Rostov-on-Don Zoo”, the Azov-Black Sea Regional Book of Liberation, Rostov-on-Don, 1935, p. 7 ..

[3] Haro. F.R-1818. OP.1. D.342. L.17-17ob., D.345. L.171.

[4] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.1. L.1-2; D.326. L.20, 35-36, 38-39, 46.

[5] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.326. L. 21.

[6] Ibid L. 21, 25-26, 37-38.

[7] Ibid. L. 11-12, 23-24, 46-47.

[9] Local history in the North Caucasus, the edition of the S.-K. RADE Bureau of Local Generation, No. 3-4, Rostov-on-Don, 1928, p. 84, inve. No. 2548.

[10] Haro. F.R-2605. OP.1. D.36. L. 3ob.; D.326. L. 26.

[12] V.V. Kegel “Biological excursions in the Rostov Zoo”, Azov-Black Sea Regional Book of Book, Rostov-on-Don, 1935, p. 7, Inv. No. 16540.

[13] Haro. F.R-2605. OP.1. D.36. L.3

[14] Haro. F.R-2605. OP.1. D.36. L. 3ob.; D.326. L. 56.

[15] Local history in the North Caucasus, edition of the S.-K. RADE Bureau of Local Lore, No. 3-4, 1928, p. 84, Inv. No. 2548.

[16] Haro. F.R-2605. OP.1. D.36. L.1.

[17] Haro. F.R-2605. OP.1. D.36. L.1ob.

[18] Haro. F.R-2605. OP.1. D.36. L. 2ob.-3ob.

[19] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.326. L. 21.

[20] Haro. F.R-1817. OP.1. D.169. L.127-127ob.

[22] Haro. F.R-1817. OP.1. D.169.l.127ob.

[23] Ibid. L. 159-159ob.

[24] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.326. L. 26.

[25] V.V. Kegel “Biological excursions according to the Rostov-on-Don Zoo”, the Azov-Black Sea Regional Book of Book, Rostov-on-Don, 1935, p. 7; Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.326. L.11, 26.

* In fact, the birthday of Vladimir Wilhelmovich Kegel – February 28 (March 13 according to N.S.) 1886. (Haro. F-803. Op.2. D.617. L.61ob-62.)

[26] Local history in the North Caucasus, ed. S.-K. RADE Bureau of Local Lore, No. 3-4, 1928, P. 84, Inv. No. 2548; Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.326. L. 26, 35.

[27] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.326. L. 30.

[28] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.135. L. 30.

[29] Haro. F.R-1817. OP.1. D.170 l.22, 24.

[30] Haro. F.R-1817. OP.1. D.171 l.75-75ob.

[31] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.326. L.55-57.

[32] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.326. L. 17, 58; D.45. L.14; D.37. L.1; D.45. L.60.

[33] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.326. L.58.

[34] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.326. L.17, 59; D.135. L. 30.

[35] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.135. L. 30; D.326. L.14, 21, 58.

[36] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.326. L.13, 21, 31; D 2. L.25.

[37] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.326. L.13-14.

[39] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.327. L.4; R-46. OP.10. D 7. L.203.

[40] V.V. Kegel “Biological excursions according to the Rostov-on-Don Zoo”, Azovo-Black Sea Regional Book of Book, Rostov-on-Don, 1935, p. 7, 8.

[41] Haro. F.R-46. Op 10, d.7. L.1-16, 199-205; D.36. L.1, 4.

[42] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.55. L.7; D 2. L.1-58; D.314. LL.1-6.

[43] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D 2. L.44-50.

[44] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.326. L.13-14; D 2. L.1-58; D.3. L.1-10; R-46. OP.10. D.7.L.205-206.

[45] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.326. L. 15.

[46] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.273. L.3; D.163A. L.1ob.; D.5. L.7; D.297. L.155.

[47] Haro. F.r-4463. OP.1. D.150. L.16.

[48] ​​Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.163A. L.4.

[49] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.5. L.20.

[50] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.55. L.8-9.

[51] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.5. L.5-6.

[52] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.

[53] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.5. L.7.

[54] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.4. L. 1, 7, 9.

[55] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.32. L.2.

[56] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.32. L.2; D.37. L.5, 7.

[57] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.45. L.16ob., 42; D.83. L.197-198.

[58] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.20 L.20; D.32. L.6-7; D.45. L.5-5ob

[59] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.28. L.22; D.32. L.1-26.

[60] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.37. L.3.

[61] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D. 50. L.1-102ob.; D. 45. L. 4-10.

[62] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.80. L.1-2; D.74. L.10.

[63] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.144. L. 1-195; D.74. L.10.

[64] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.24. L.4; D. 326. L.36, 50.

[65] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.45. L.18-20.

[66] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.290. L.223; D.329. L.221.

[67] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.177.L. nineteen; D.287. L.127.

[68] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.80. L. 1-6; D.45. L.54, 76; d.144. L. d 58. L.12; D.101 l.15.

[69] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.297. L.155.

[70] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.32. L.6; D.45. L.4-10, 12-13.

[71] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.297. L.128; D.83. L.183-184, 198.

[72] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.83. L.15-15ob., 67, 90.

[73] Haro.F.R-4463. OP.1. D.297. L.45-46, 129.

[74] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.297. L.49, 102, 128; D.83. L.29.99, 171-172, 186, 196.

[75] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D. 83. L. 15-15ob., 196-200; D.55. L.28-31.

[76] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D. 83. L.159, 189.

[77] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.83. L.15, 159;

[78] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.297. L. 157-158, 167; D.122. L.111-112; D.83. L.153,159ob.

[79] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.297. L.49

[80] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.101. L.2.

[81] Haro. F.R- 4463. OP.1. D.195. L.4-5.

[82] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.305. L.186.

[83] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.292. L.1-13.

[84] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.297. L.33, 37

[85] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.183. L. 30, 35

[86] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.183. L. 30, 35

[87] Haro.F.r-4467. OP.1.D.8 l 1; D.225. L.1-9.

[88] Haro.F.r-4463. OP.1. D.45. L.16ob., 342. L.94.

[89] Haro. F.R-4467. OP.1. D.327. L.12-20.

[90] Haro. F.R-4467. OP.1. D.314. L.1-6.

[91] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.228; D.327. L.9

[92] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.14. L.18.

[93] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.20. L.22; D.24. L.3-4.

[94] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.327. L.8; D.165, d.171.

[95] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.342. L.94

[96] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D. 342. L.92, 132.

[97] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.297. L.79-80; D.298. L.44; D.45. L.; D.173.

[98] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.165. L.1-68. D.297. L.120; D.287. L.11; D.342 l.92-93. D.178. L.1-1 19; D.295; D.119.L. 1-117.

[99] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.120. L. 35, 52, 58, 98; D 135, l.21; D. 186 l.12, 43; D.190. L.9.

[100] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.327. L.5, 80-81; D. 287. L. 25-33.

[101] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.251. L.17 d.336. L.97.

[102] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.190. L.4-7; D.45. L.17.

[103] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.120. L.58, d.273. L.69; D. 329. L.166, 283, 246;. D.305. L. 74; D.291. L.188-192.d.251. L.244.

[104] Haro. F.R-4467. OP.1. D.101 l.18-21.

[105] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.142. L.2, 126, 128ob; D.107.L.2; D.163A. L.18; D.172. L.196 (emblems); V.V. Kegel “Biological excursions in the Rostov Zoo”, Azov-Black Sea Regional Book of Book of Radiation, Rostov-on-Don, 1935, p. 7, Inv. No. 16540 (cover).

[106] Haro. F.R-4463. OP.1. D.142. L.2, 126, 128ob; D.163A. L.18; D.172. L.196; V.V. Kegel “Biological excursions in the Rostov Zoo”, Azov-Black Sea Regional Book of Book of Radiation, Rostov-on-Don, 1935, p. 7, Inv. No. 16540 (cover).